December 21, 2015
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Finance was held in the City Hall Auditorium on Monday, December 21, 2015 having been adjourned from December 15, 2015.
Present were Mayor Elinor Carbone and Board of Finance members Chris Diorio, Frank Rubino, Joshua Ferreira, Christopher Anderson and Laurene Pesce. Member Mark Bushka was absent.
Mayor Carbone called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m.
On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on October 20, 2015. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Diorio abstained.
On a motion by Mr. Ferreira, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the minutes of the Special Telephonic Meeting held on November 23, 2015. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Diorio abstained.
On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public. Board of Education member Kenneth Traub urged the Board to refrain from funding a Municipal and School District Consolidation Feasibility Study, saying this could be done with the two offices sitting down over a cup of coffee. He said the money would be better spent finding ways to fund and improve Special Education expenses.
On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to authorize a purchase not to exceed $26,200, of a Jeep Patriot or Equivalent, for the Parks and Recreation Dept.
On a motion by Mr. Ferreira, seconded by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted unanimously to authorize a purchase not to exceed $57,777 of two (2) Ford Explorers for the Fire Dept.
On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Diorio, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the following purchases for the Police Dept. off the State Contract from M.H.Q. of Middletown, CT:
a. One Low profile Ford Explorer for the Detective division not to exceed $35,201
b. One K-9 Utility vehicle outfitted with K-9 cage/fan and door prop not to exceed $40,454.
c. Four Patrol Utility Interceptors at $35,987 each, not to exceed $143,947, ordered before 1/8/16.
d. One Patrol Supervisor Unit / Ford Expedition not to exceed $40,252.
e. One Low profile Utility Interceptor vehicle for the Traffic Department not to exceed $34,252.
On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Diorio, the Board voted unanimously to authorize an expense not to exceed $50,000, for a Municipal and School District Consolidation Feasibility Study by Blum Shapiro, regarding the consolidation of financial offices.
Mr. Ferreira asked if this could happen as easily as Mr. Traub said. Mayor Carbone noted that there are significant differences in processes and internal controls. She said a feasibility study is involved and quite comprehensive as there are intricacies in the financial departments that can only be identified through this process. Mrs. Pesce noted that combining services has been a goal of both the City and the Board of Education for years. She said if it could have been done over a cup of coffee, it would have been. Mr. Anderson pointed out that Blum Shapiro could provide the opportunity to look at best practices from other municipalities that they have studied. Mr. Diorio asked what the results of the Plainville consolidation were and Mayor Carbone replied that it appears to be going well.
On a motion by Mr. Ferreira, seconded by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the budget amendments/transfers relating to union contracts approved by City Council on November 16, 2015, and as described in the Comptroller’s Memo dated December 2, 2015.
On a motion by Mr. Diorio, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Board of Education Budget Performance Reports presented. Mayor Carbone noted that the city’s bond rating is affected by the need to prove that communication between the boards exists. Mr. Ferreira pointed out that the purchase of $1200 laptops is back in the capital budget for the next five years for 2,672 laptops, costing about 3.2 million dollars.
BUSINESS: Mayor and Board Members
On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the Board of Finance. Mrs. Pesce, Mr. Rubino and Mr. Ferreira thanked Mr. Lamoin and Mr. Scoville for their service on the Board.
On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:29 p.m.
Carol L. Anderson, MCTC, CMC
Asst. City Clerk